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Home » International Talk Like A Pirate Day Sept. 19

Posted: September 18, 2017

International Talk Like A Pirate Day Sept. 19

By Michelle Forbes

Yo, Ho, Ho, and a bottle of… something sweet and spicy! September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and it might just be one of the most fun and the most silly days in September!

Although International Talk Like A Pirate is celebrated from Australia to Uruguay, the largest followings are found on college and university campuses, but also at random businesses around the world.

Just like it sounds, on September 19, people celebrating Talk Like A Pirate Day talk like, well, pirates, often dressing up to get into the role. They may also be seen sword fighting each other, while insulting each other in pirate speak.

The holiday was started by a couple of guys, John Baur and Mark Summers, who were playing racquetball, insulting each other like pirates, and so, the holiday was born. The two now go by the pirate personas Cap’n Slappy and Ol’ Chumbucket. With the popularity of the holiday increasing every year, they have written four books, and have youtube videos with useful videos like “Dress Like a Pirate (On the Cheap)” and “Talk Like A Pirate Day: The Five A’s” to learn to talk like a pirate, as well as everything you need to celebrate like a pirate.

Now that you know how to prepare for this momentous occasion, you will undoubtedly be wondering where in the Kootenays you can celebrate it.

For three years now, a little bakery in Kimberley, has been celebrating this obscure holiday, as their kickoff to the 50 holidays they celebrate from September to the Medieval Festival in July.

The Kimberley City Bakery (pictured above), in the heart of Kimberley’s Platzl, get into the spirit of the holiday, with their staff dressing up, and even their bakery getting a makeover for this obscure holiday, as they invite everyone to join the fun. From the outside, you will see the Jolly Roger flags flying, and someone walking the plank. The bakery also will have some pirate themed goodies for you to try to help celebrate the day, and you may even run into the captain of the ship!

The Real Canadian Dollar Store has joined the fun, carrying a variety of pirate gear to help you dress up as a pirate and create your own personal pirate persona. The best place to get information and advice on celebrating this holiday, is Cap’n Slappy and Ol’ Chumbucket’s official website ( ).

There you can find a world map of different places celebrating International Talk Like A Pirate Day (although it is not quite complete, as Ol’ Chumbucket has been battling inclement weather in Louisiana), just in case you do not find yourself celebrating in the Kootenays.

Cap’n Slappy and Ol’ Chumbucket ensure everyone is well equipped to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Their website has everything you need, from books and songs, to Pirate Party Games, Drinks, and even kid friendly ideas and links. So, if you need a break from your regular, everyday life, and you feel like doing something completely silly, consider joining the movement, dressing up like a pirate, or just saying “Ahoy!” to someone at work or “Arrr!” when you get frustrated. Try it. You just might find you like it.

Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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