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Home » KNC extends closures through April 17

Posted: April 3, 2020

KNC extends closures through April 17

The B.C. government has formally extended the provincial state of emergency through the end of the day on April 14.

Given this news, the Ktunaxa Nation Council (KNC) has decided to extend the public closure of its main building through Friday, April 17.

“We’re grateful to our essential services staff who are continuing to provide services in the community,” said Shawna Janvier, chief administrative officer of the KNC. “Those who are still on the job, for example at our health centre, at Operation Street Angel, and at Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services, are showing an incredible level of compassion and professionalism right now.”

Janvier said the nation council is hoping for the best, while preparing for additional challenges.

“We’re working closely with the RDEK, our regional emergency operations centre, to share information that will help us track community needs and be in the position to respond effectively,” she said.

“We’re also listening to our community nurses, who tell us how we can support the essential work they are doing.”

To that goal, the KNC has started a Volunteer List.

“The list is a call to the wider community, to people who are able to assist with the delivery of essential items to families who are quarantined,” Janvier said. “Things like groceries and prescriptions.”

To register as a volunteer, people can email [email protected], or call 250-489-2464.

Janvier said she hopes to be able to announce a return to full services and open doors as soon as possible. “This is an unprecedented event in our lives,” she said. “The entire world has been called to participate in simple measures that can stop a deadly disease. But these simple measures we know can cause hardships for many. We intend to be here on the other side and be part of helping our communities get back on track.”

Ktunaxa Nation Council

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