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Home » Left-handed pretzel croissants? 

Posted: April 1, 2017

Left-handed pretzel croissants? 

By Robin Knight

It can be hard being a left-handed person in a right-handed world.

Scissors don’t cut correctly. Ink smudges across the page when you’re writing. Finding left handed equipment in the Kootenays can be difficult, and the littlest things just become a little bit harder.

But now there is a place that’s going to something about it. With the majority of their staff left-handed, and all of their bakers left-handed, The Kimberley City Bakery is turning the tables. Sorry, right-handers, now you’ll be at the disadvantage if you become a baker at the European bakery in Kimberley.

“The biggest difference people will see is our pretzel croissant. Will it disappear? Of course not. But it will be easier to make, with this new left-handed way of doing things,” says Kimberley City Bakery’s Baker Forbes.

Like all of their other famous croissants, the pretzel croissant is made in the traditional French method, over three days, with dozens of folds, and their own secret version of the traditional recipe. But how do they get the crispness? Dipping it in lye, just like a pretzel.

With all of their new left-handed cutters and methods, it will cut down on the production time, and create a better croissant. The question is, will it still taste right? Forbes says, “Don’t be silly. It will taste left, not right. And that will be much better.”

With news of this new change to the pretzel croissant, lineups are expected on this latest innovation taking place right here in Kimberley at The Kimberley City Bakery Saturday, April 1. The question is, will you be able to tell the difference?

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