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Regional invasive plant battle gets ammo

The East Kootenay will be receiving about 13% of a $1.72 million provincial government funding allotment designed to held fight invasive plants. The Ministry of Forests,…

RDEK Board Highlights

The following are highlights from the
 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board meeting held Nov. 6. West Fernie engineering services contract increased The engineering…

EKIPC gets $194k to fight invasive plants

The provincial government is providing $194,000 to the East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council (EKIPC) to help control the spread of invasive plants, Kootenay East MLA…

Meadowbrook Community Association holds AGM

The Meadowbrook Community Association recently held its second Annual General Meeting. Thirteen members attended to review the Report of the Directors and the Financial Statements,…