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Posted: August 21, 2014

Fernie Council Connection

FernCitHalThe following is a breakdown as to what occurred during the August 14 regular meeting of City of Fernie council.


1.1 Development Variance Permit Application No. 355 was issued to Jacqueline and William Arling which legalized the siting of the existing home and varied the rear yard setback and eave projection to facilitate the construction of a garage with a residential suite on the second level with stairs and an L-Shaped sundeck on the property located at 1202-9th Avenue.

1.2 Development Variance Permit Application No. 356 was issued to Kue Young and Valerie Dorward which varied the front and side yard setbacks to facilitate the construction of a detached garage on the property located at 10 Alpine Trail Crescent. Staff Report, Draft Permit & Application

1.3 The Fernie Hotel Liquor Licence Temporary Change (Joe Varosi Slow Pitch Tournament) was supported by council to temporarily change the Fernie Hotel’s liquor licence to include the parking lot adjacent to their property at 691-1st Avenue for the purpose of providing local live music and a Bar B-Q on Saturday, September 13, between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. Report to Council | LCLB Temp Change Application

ferniewifi1.4 The Partnering Agreement between Shaw Cable Systems Limited and the City of Fernie. Council directed staff to post notice of its consideration to enter into an agreement with Shaw Communications to attach Wi-Fi infrastructure on city assets (street lights, crosswalk poles, public buildings, parks and playing fields) in high density areas to establish a value-added wireless service with free access for existing and future Shaw customers. The agreement will come back to council for consideration of approval at the September 8 regular meeting. Report to Council


2.1 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 165, Bylaw No. 2245, 2014 was adopted. The bylaw rezoned the property at 1091 4th Avenue from R1-Single Family Residential to R1SL- Single Family Residential Small Lot. Staff Report & Bylaw No. 2245

2.2 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 166, Bylaw No. 2248, 2014 was adopted. The bylaw rezoned the property at 1301-1st Avenue from R1-Single Family Residential to R1SL –Single Family Residential Small Lot. Staff Report & Bylaw No. 2248

2.3 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 167. Bylaw No. 2249, 2014 was adopted. The bylaw rezoned the property at 1202-9th Avenue from R2-Duplex Residential to R1B-Single Detached plus Residential. Staff Report & Bylaw No. 2249

2.4 Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, Bylaw No. 2259 was adopted. The bylaw expands the property tax exemption for the Salvation Army exchanging the former taxable space with an expanded Thrift Shop operation, enlarged Family Services Space and a larger space for church activities. Bylaw No. 2259

2.5 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Amendment Bylaw No. 2253 was adopted. The bylaw shifted the payment of DCCs from the time of subdivision to the time of building permit issuance. 2014-08-05 Staff Report | 2014-06-09 Staff Report | 2014-06-23 Staff Report | Certificate of Statutory Approval | Bylaw No. 2253, 2008

2.6 Delegation Bylaw No. 2009, Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2261, 2014 was given first three readings. The bylaw proposes to delegate council’s authority for approving temporary changes and special occasion liquor licences to the Director of Corporate Administration Services. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2261


3.1 Wam Bam Funding Request of $3,000 from the Fernie Mountain Bike Club for the Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam 2014 event was approved by council. Funding to be provided through the Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) Tourism Incentives Investment Fund. Report to Council

3.2 B.C. Mayor’s Caucus Meeting in Whistler. Council authorized the Mayor to attend the meeting to be held Monday, September 22 during the upcoming Union of British Columbia of Municipalities (UBCM) Conference to be held September 22 – 26, in Whistler. Registration

3.3 Community Energy Association (CEA) – East Kootenay Energy Diet Program. FernieMLMegan Lohmann, Community Energy Manager, Community Energy Association (CEA) presented council with an overview of the proposed program structure of the Energy Diet, and the recommended local government subsidy contributions. As part of this position, the CEA will be facilitating another round of the East Kootenay Energy Diet, which provides assistance to East Kootenay residents wishing to complete home energy retrofits. Council authorized the subsidy of $165 to the pre-retrofit cost so that homeowners would only have to pay $100 and continues to provide a full subsidy for post-retrofit from the Energy Reserve fund.   East Kootenay Energy Diet |  Home Energy Rebate Offer

3.4 Alternative Approval Process (AAP) – West Fernie Boundary Extension. Council authorized staff to commence an AAP to seek the approval of the electors of the City of Fernie to proceed with the West Fernie boundary extension proposal and approved the elector response form for conducting the AAP for the boundary extension. The deadline for receiving the response forms will be 5 pm on September 29. 2014-08-12 Staff Report |  2014-05-07 Staff Report | RDEK News Release | RDEK Letter | AAP Elector Response Form | AAP for Determining Eligible Electors | Statutory AAP Notice


4.1 Next Regular Meeting and Committee of the Whole (COTW) is scheduled for Monday, August 25. COTW to commence at 10 a.m. and Regular Council meeting at 7 p.m. Council meetings can be streamed live or viewed on-demand on the City’s website and are broadcasted on Shaw TV Channel 10 at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and 11 a.m. on Thursdays.

4.2 A public hearing has been scheduled for Monday, September 8 at 7 p.m. to receive submissions from the public respecting matters contained in proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 168, Bylaw No. 2252, 2014 for the property at Whitetail Drive which proposes to rezone the subject lands within the Special Policy Area – CD1 Subzones from MU2 – Multiple Unit Two, LR2 – Leisure Recreation Two; and LR1 – Leisure Recreation One to DR1 – Detached Residential One. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2522

4.3 100th Anniversary of Canada’s first National Internment Operations 1914 – 1920 on Friday, August 22, at 11 a.m. at Dogwood Park. You are invited to join us to witness the unveiling of “Be there to remember and to learn” plaque. The Fernie/Morrissey Internment Camp was one of the 24 internment camps set up during the Great War.

4.4 Sparling East Parkland Dedication. Residents of Parkland Terrace and members of council extend an invitation to citizens to attend the Park Dedication Ceremony for the ‘Dr. Sparling East Park’ to take place on Sunday Sept 7, 11 a.m. at the top of the bike path along Bossio Road (located behind 27 Aspen Crescent in Parkland Terrace).

4.5 Upcoming Committee & Board Meetings

Ferniemuseum– Cemetery Committee – Thursday, August 21, at 7 p.m. in the meeting room at the Fernie Museum, 491-2nd Avenue.

– Design Review Panel – August 21, at 9 a.m. in the meeting room at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue.

– Beautification Committee – Wednesday, September 3, at 9 a.m. in the meeting room at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue.

– Leisure Services Advisory Board – Wednesday, September 3, at 12 p.m. in the meeting room at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue.

– Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Committee – Wednesday, September 17, at 1 p.m. in the meeting room at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue.

A copy of the agenda package is available of the city website at:

City of Fernie

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