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Posted: September 7, 2012

Investing in our health for life

By Carol Gordon

When we hear or read the word “invest,” we naturally think in terms of money and rightly so.  The first few modern day definitions of the word (as per do refer solely to money.

“1. To put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.

2. To use (money), as in accumulating something.”

Furthermore, it is considered to be wise to think in terms of making good, sound financial investments, so that we will earn a good return on our money.  When we do, we are taught, it is a good way to plan for our financial future and we seek financial advisors and/or bankers for this purpose.

Over time, however, the word “invest” has come to refer to more than just money, as the third definition on the website link provided above indicates:

3.  to use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something:

As per,  the  meaning of the word “invest” has been expanded to also be associated with the following words: “commit, place, put, empower, endow.”

So this investment (although the word itself is not often used) concept, can thus be applied outside of the financial area into other areas of our life.  For example, regular servicing of our vehicle is an investment in helping to insure that our vehicle stays in good working order and remains safe to drive.

Although it is also not common to use the word “invest” when referring to our health, we grew up with the following list of guidelines, which utilize the concept. By following them, we are taught, helps us to insure that we stay healthy:

Brush your teeth twice a day

Get eight hours of good restful sleep each night

Eat three balanced meals a day

Get plenty of exercise

Drink lots of water

Engage in regular physical exercise

Have annual physical check-ups

Is this short list of simple guidelines all the investment we need to make in our health in order to stay healthy or is there more?   Next article will explore the role wellness plays in our investment in our health.

Carol Gordon is a wellness consultant, writer/photographer, artist and entrepreneur. She has called the Columbia Valley her home part-time since 1981 and full-time since 1999.

[email protected]

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