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Posted: August 27, 2015

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a breakdown as to what occurred during the August 17 District of Sparwood council meeting.

Official Community Plan

sparwoodlogoCouncil received two submissions during the public hearing on the Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw 1165, 2015. The first was submitted in writing by Shelly Hume requesting that council reconsider their decision to remove the proposed trails along Wilson Creek and the Whiskey Jack property. The second, submitted by Rick Pater, was a request to keep the current land use designation for his property located at 8000 Highway 43. Following the close of the Public Hearing, Council adopted the minor policy changes and housekeeping changes prior to giving the bylaw second reading. Staff will be preparing a report for council in response to Mr. Pater’s request prior to further consideration of the bylaw.

Spardell Mobile Home Park DVP 2015-001

Council approved issuance of Development Variance Permit 2015-001 for Spardell Mobile Home Park, located at 100 Industrial Park for four (4) mobile home spaces. The variances to the Subdivision Servicing Bylaw removes the requirement for additional street lighting, a drainage system, and reduced the minimum road widths and curb and gutter requirements subject to the following conditions being met: The entire mobile home park’s water distribution system be upgraded and all park residents are connected to municipal water; an area of the park be developed for recreational purposes; and security in the amount of $5,000.00 be provided to ensure the recreational area is properly developed.

TerryFoxTerry Fox Run

Mrs. Edie Holland provided council with an overview of the history of the Terry Fox Run indicating that September 20, will mark the first official Terry Fox Day in British Columbia. The event will be held at the Leisure Centre with an 11 a.m. start with a one km, three km, and five km run, walk, wheel, and ride.

RCMP – Elk Valley Detachment

Sgt. Will Thien of the Elk Valley RCMP Detachment presented the 2015 first and second quarter reports on offences responded to by the detachment. The report reflected a decrease of 12% in calls for service during the first quarter of the year and a 19% decrease in calls for service during the second quarter of the year over the same periods in 2014.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers)

Council approved a donation of $500 to the local MADD program and authorized the installation of two “Report Impaired Drivers” signs within the community.

Temporary use permit for rock quarry

JemiCouncil will consider the issuance of a temporary commercial and industrial use permit to Jemi Fibre Corp. for an open-pit rock quarry located on the south side of Highway 3, 16 km east of Sparwood and east of the gas compressor station near the Alberta border at the September 8 regular meeting at 1 p.m.

All persons who believe that their interest is affected by the proposed permit shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard in person, by a representative or by written submission on the matters contained within the application at that meeting.

The deadline to submit written comments is 10 a.m. local time on September 8. Submissions may be sent: By mail to: The District of Sparwood, Box 520, Sparwood, BC, V0B 2G0. By email to: [email protected].

Enhanced 9-1-1 fire dispatch service

Council rescinded their previous resolution (15-56) to initiate the service review process for the Enhanced 9-1-1 Fire Dispatch Service provided by the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK).

This decision was made in light of the RDEK Board’s recent decision (August 7) to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the service. This decision was made two months (May 29) after they decided to renew the contract with the current provider, Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services (CFES), for an additional five years. This change was driven by the recent changes that were made to the Structure Firefighters Competency and Training Playbook by the Office of the Fire Commissioner. In order to comply with the ‘Playbook,’ the CFES would need to do some restructuring within the department and hire additional personnel as they could no longer use CFES firefighters as has been their practice.

Council further resolved that letters be sent to the RDEK board requesting that: 1. The RFP be endorsed by all participating Fire Chiefs/stakeholders to ensure that it covers all parties concerns and issues with the current service being provided, and that the selection of the successful proponent be reviewed and endorsed by the Fire Chiefs/stakeholders prior to recommending award to the RDEK Board; 2. The E9-1-1 Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1665, 2002 be reviewed at the same time so that service review and withdrawal processes can be included in the bylaw.

Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation

Council authorized the Corporate Officer to enter into an agreement with Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC) for the use of municipal facilities to install, operate, maintain, and repair fiber optic equipment. The term of the agreement is for five years commencing April 1. The CBBC is working across the Columbia Basin to connect communities and rural areas and help them consider how to use that connectivity to benefit their community and residents. CBBC’s regional fiber optic network connects a broad area of the Basin from Rossland to Canal Flats, and east to the Elk Valley. Further information on the CBBC can be obtained here.

Officers and Officials Bylaws

Council adopted Officers & Officials BL 1026, Amendment Bylaw 1172, 2015 and Officers & Officials Benefits BL 1038, Amendment Bylaw 1173, 2015. The bylaws incorporated the “Deputy Director of Corporate Services” as an officer position.

sparwoodreccentBiennial pool maintenance shutdown

The Sparwood Leisure Centre Pool will be closed from September 8 – 18 for maintenance. The hall, fitness centre, and courts will remain open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. However, they will be closed Saturday September 12 and Sunday, September 13.

Utility & Solid Waste Management Bylaw 1014, Amendment Bylaw 1174, 2015

Council gave first three readings to Utility & Solid Waste Management Bylaw 1014, 2009, Amendment Bylaw 1174, 2015. The amendment proposes that commercial waste bin owners/users be required to ensure that their bins are secured (wildlife) and that waste does not overflow onto public lands. The public will be given an opportunity to comment on the bylaw at the September 8 regular meeting before council considers adoption. A copy of the notice, bylaw amendment and staff report can be viewed at the District Office during regular work hours or online at

Recycling bins

Yellow recycling bins located in Sparwood Heights have been relocated to their new location by the ball field next to the composting site. Other Recycling Bin Locations: At the end of Engelmann Spruce Drive between the Public Works yard and Mainroad Contracting yard; On Douglas Fir Road (Silver Fox parking lot); and at the Transfer Station. Residents are encouraged to use one of the above locations as the bins located behind businesses in the downtown core are primarily for business use.

Labour Day garbage pickup

Due to the statutory holiday, Labour Day on Monday, September 7, garbage pickup scheduled for that day will be picked up on Tuesday, September 8 instead.

Back to school

Children are heading back to school on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Drivers are reminded to slow down and watch for children and school busses. Motorists travelling in both directions must stop when approaching a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing.

Fall Community Information and Registration Night

Sparwood Curling ClubOn Thursday, September 10 – 5– 7 p.m. at the Sparwood Curling Rink, come and find out what’s happening in our community. See programs of interest for people of all ages and stages. Community groups and organizations are invited to participate in this opportunity to promote their organization, register for programs, and show what they have to offer. It’s free | It’s one night | Everyone’s invited. Contact Sparwood Leisure Centre at 250-425-0552 or email [email protected] to register your organization and book your table.

Terry Fox Run

Sunday, September 20, Sparwood Leisure Centre Registration: 10 a.m. | Run Starts: 11 a.m. Choose your distance – 1 km, 3 km, or 5 km route. Routes are suitable for bikes, wheelchairs / strollers, and rollerblades. Dogs on leash are welcome. Please check the District’s website or the Terry Fox Foundation’s Sparwood webpage for information and updates on the event.

Upcoming meetings

– Regular Meeting in Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 8 at 1 pm.

– Special Regular Meeting in Council Chambers on Monday, September 28 at 1 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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