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Posted: February 20, 2020

Standardized driver training proposed

Proposed amendments that seek to clarify and update British Columbia’s Motor Vehicle Act have been introduced as Bill 2, the motor vehicle amendment act, 2020.

Proposed changes to the Motor Vehicle Act support road safety and better trained drivers by enabling government to require standardized training as a pre-licensing requirement for various classes of drivers’ licences, noted a joint media release from the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

Amendments would require any prescribed training courses to be approved by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) and provided by a person or organization authorized by ICBC.

The proposed amendments afford government the authority to provide exemptions and to delegate authority to ICBC to provide exemptions. They also delegate to ICBC the authority to determine if training received in other jurisdictions meets B.C. standards, the provincial media release said.

“The proposed amendments also include various minor clarifications in the Motor Vehicle Act that respond to requests from road safety stakeholders. Notably, if passed, changes will include adding sheriff vehicles under the definition of emergency vehicle and enabling sheriffs to activate emergency lights and proceed through red lights in certain circumstances – for example, when a prisoner is in medical distress.”

As well, the changes will clarify residency requirements that entitle a person to hold a B.C. driver’s licence and allow ICBC to extend driving privileges during a state of emergency to people whose licences are expiring or have just expired, the ministries stated.


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