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Home » Police warn about increase in property crime in valley

Posted: June 5, 2021

Police warn about increase in property crime in valley

Elk Valley RCMP reports it has seen an increase in thefts ranging from various tools, vehicles and mountain bikes.

“The police highly encourage everyone to take responsibility for properly securing your all your personal items, either it be your personal or work vehicles, riding bikes of all types, sheds, etc.  Please do not leave your keys or other personal items inside the vehicle.  Lock up your vehicles and bikes,” urged A/Cpl Debra Katerenchuk in a public alert.

“Mountain biking has become a year-round sport in the Fernie and surrounding areas. Bike season is upon us and goes right to the end of October, and then fat biking starts in until end of March,” Katerenchuk noted.

“Police highly encourage all biking enthusiasts to take full responsibility in securing your bikes wherever you are riding in the Elk Valley.”


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