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Posted: May 14, 2018

Mine Rescue Zone Competition held in Sparwood

By Mary Giuliano

Saturday, May 12, saw zone mine rescue competitions between local mines held in Sparwood with awards given out at the evening banquet.

Master of Ceremonies was Greg Sword who praised all of the competitors.

Ian Anderson, General Manager of the host mine Teck Coal Fording River Operations gave a moving speech, saying that everyone works together practising over and over until they get it right. “Recognize your team, you struggle, you work together and forge together for a common purpose.”

Robin Sheremeta, Senior Vice President of Teck Coal spoke next and touched on the recent casualty praising all the teams but singling out Fording River and Greenhills mine rescue people for their work at that time.

Mike Duffey director of Health and Safety also thanked Fording River and Greenhills teams for responding quickly to the circumstances and said with “support from you, with your dedication and selflessness, we can reach our goal of everyone going home safe every day.”

Kootenay Columbia MP Wayne Stetski also spoke, thanking everyone for the work they do to keep everyone safe every day and wishing the winners good luck in the provincials.

Guests attending included Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka, Doran Jones, Kristopher Bailey, Barry Tracey, Acting Mayor for District of Elkford Steve Fairburn, Jenna Jensen acting Mayor District of Sparwood, Sparwood Fire Chief Dean Spry, and Trevor Fairburn of Fernie Fire Rescue and myself, representing Fernie.

Jerrold Jewsbury, Ministry of Mines, Inspector of Mines and Chief Judge then went up to give out the awards, saying, “It was a great day, and you are all winners.”

Years of Service Awards E.K.M. I. S.A were presented to Patrick Milan and Jim Friesen.

On behalf of the City of Fernie I extend sincere congratulations to the individuals and to teams taking home trophies. Also, congratulations go to everyone who participated. It’s because of this involvement and dedication to safety that is clearly, deeply felt that so many individuals can take the time, effort and sacrifice that is required for training and education to become competitors.

Thank you to the organizers of this event, to all competitors, volunteers, judges, and all that assisted.

Congratulations to all the winners of the EKMISA Zone Competition.

3 Person First Aid:
– Best Written: Carey Stephenson (EVO)
– Best Captain: Krista Richardson (GHO)
– Second Place: Line Creek
– First Place: Elkview

Mine Rescue:
– Best Written: (tie) Brett Robertson (EVO) & Dustin Nigegeers (LCO)
– Best Captain: Cody Waugh (GHO)
– Fire Chiefs Award for Best Fire: Elkview
– Best Rope: Fording River
– Best Bench: Greenhills
– Second Place: Line Creek
– First Place: Elkview

Mary Giuliano is Mayor of the City of Fernie.

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