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Home » RCMP warn about telephone fraud scammers

Posted: August 25, 2021

RCMP warn about telephone fraud scammers

Elk Valley RCMP continue to receive reports from the public regarding telephone fraud.

“RCMP would like to recommend to never provide personal or banking information over the phone to anyone.  You are encouraged to only provide sensitive information through verified company contacts and systems.  In person is the safest way to provide information to someone you know who works at the business or government agency,” said A/Cpl Debra Katerenchuk of Elk Valley RCMP.

“Please do not assume the telephone number contacting you is legitimate as computer software can replicate any phone number. Do not send money electronically or make payments to anyone over the telephone without taking the proper steps.  It is very important to know that once money is sent electronically it likely cannot be recovered,” she advises.

“There continues to be many sophisticated and creative fraudsters, such as, “you are being investigated for drug possession; or a fraudster claiming to work for “National Defence” demanding payment for fictitious outstanding debts or someone identifying themselves as a bank employee. When this happens to you, hang up the phone, and alert Service Canada about the attempted fraud,” A/Cpl Katerenchuk said.


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