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Upcoming RDEK Public Hearings

The following is the roster of upcoming Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) public hearings, to be held in between June 23 and 30 by Zoom….

Upcoming public hearings in the RDEK

The following details upcoming public hearings in the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK), between May 21 and May 28. Please click on the links…

RDEK Board Highlights

Area A Flood Control Service Establishment Bylaw adopted The new Electoral Area A Flood Control Service will help fund flood mitigation projects in Electoral Area…

RDEK Board Highlights

Requesting resources for patrol and enforcement in Koocanusa The board of the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) June 6 unanimously agreed to have requests…

RDEK January Meeting Notes

Dry Gulch Water A letter will be sent to the Dry Gulch property owners acknowledging receipt of the informal water service petition and advising that…