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Home » The alternatives after sani-dump removed at Fernie VIC

Posted: April 18, 2022

The alternatives after sani-dump removed at Fernie VIC

As previously announced, the City of Fernie was successful in applying for a grant to the Tourism Dependent Communities Fund for significant improvements to the parking and grounds of the Visitor Centre – including the addition of electric vehicle charging stations, new signage, landscaping improvements, and the creation of additional parking spaces.

The construction work on the parking area will commence in mid-April and is expected to be completed by the end of May. Additional work on signage and landscaping may continue over the summer and into the fall in the green space areas.

The City of Fernie has made the decision to remove the sani-dump at the Fernie Visitor Information Centre as part of a car-park upgrade. It is currently working on a relocation plan that will be announced when finalized.

In the meantime, Visitor Centre staff will be re-directing RV users to the following nearby sani-dumps:

• Fernie RV Resort (2.5km away);
• Sparwood Visitor Information Centre (30km east);
• Kikomun Provincial Park (43 km west);
• Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce (95 km west).

Fernie Chamber of Commerce photo

Fernie Chamber of Commerce

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